This story portrays a young scientist who lost his ability to see after a mysterious accident in the lab. He sets off on a journey to find meaning in this newly discovered world. It’s hard to comprehend the reality of this situation so he faces a lot of challenges in that regard.
Along the way, he encounters several mystical creatures that may hold the key to unraveling the truth behind the “accident”. Adventure takes him to many exotic locations full of secrets, from rainforests, hot deserts all the way to swamps and oceans. In an exhilarating pursuit of the truth he finds himself at the crossroads of tough decisions that can change his fate forever.
Sjajna ideja za projekat. Samo napred momci!!!
Wooooow, mnogo mi se dopada ideja!!! Igra zaista drzi paznju, u pocetku deluje komplikovano dok se ne udje u stos oko samog kretanja. Ogromna podrska momci, samo tako nastavite! 🙂
This is such an interesting new concept of playing a story-driven game. Well done developers!
Odli?na ideja i pravi projekat,bravo momci! Zanimljiva igra.
G e n i j a l n o
sve pohvale.bravo